Quick Start

The easiest breakfast ever! You probably heard about overnight porridge already. It’s the best, easiest and fastest breakfast you can make and it’s also nutritious and it releases its energy slowly. What more do you want?! The recipe I’m giving you is quite a basic recipe, but it’s how I make it. You can make lots of varieties. This one is a bit like a chia pudding too. Chia seed is full of fiber, protein, omega-3 and it has various micronutrients. This makes it a perfect way to start your day. The best is that it’s very easy to make. You make it before you go to sleep (will only take 1 minute, don’t worry!) and it’ll be ready for you the next morning. What means that even when you’re in a rush, you can still enjoy a nutritious breakfast that will keep you going all morning.


Serves: 1

1/2 cup oats
1 tbs chia seed
1 cup plant based milk

fresh fruit
dried fruit
maple syrup 

-Mix the oats, chia seed and milk in a container (with lid) and put it in the fridge overnight.
-In the morning: give it a good mix and add any toppings you like.

Are you going to try this recipe? Please let me know in the comments below and show me your beautiful and yummy creations. You can do this via Instagram by tagging me or by using #PlanetManel. Thank you! X


img_8153Today a super super easy recipe, but also a very helpful and healthy recipe! Sounds good right? Easy, because it only has 4 ingredients (and one of them is water). Helpful, because you can use it in so many things. Like overnight porridge, smoothies, over cereal, with granola or to make granola, in tea or coffee and anything you can think of needing milk. Healthy, because it includes oats, it only has a tiny bit of agave nectar and a pinch of salt. The only thing you need, what is maybe not that common, is a nut milk bag (or you can also use a cheese cloth/muslin). You can easily order those from Amazon, so please don’t let this keep you from giving this a try. Because it’s super fun and nice to make.

img_8151RAW OAT MILK

-1 cup rolled oats
-4 cups cold (!) water
-1/2 tsp maple syrup
-Pinch of salt

-Put the water, the maple syrup, the salt and the oats in a blender and blend it for 30-60 seconds.
-Strain it with a nut bag straight away.
-Keep it in the fridge.

Are you going to try this simple oat milk recipe? Where would you use it in? Please let me know when you’ve tried them. You can do this in a comment below.. or you can tag me with @freedomevermore on Instagram. Thank you! X


img_6691A creamy, filling and delicious breakfast for champions. This breakfast is super nutritious and full of goodness. I often eat this after my work out. It’s full of proteins, fibres and good fats. Great for my body to release some new energy and to heal my muscles. As I most of the time work out in the evenings, I soak the cashews and seeds overnight. I blend it the next morning and then add the oats and the coconut. This way it’s ready for me when I come back in the evening. I don’t always add fruit, sometimes just peanut butter is nice enough. Only just sometimes I like to add some berries. Especially blueberries are a favourite. Give this recipe a try, especially when you’re a very busy and active person.


Serves: 1

1 cup almond milk
1/3 cup cashews
1 tbsp linseeds
1 tsp chia seeds
1/2 cup oats
1 tbs dried coconut
1 tbs peanut butter
1 tbs pumpkin seeds
1 tbsp agave nectar

-Soak the cashews, the linseeds and the chia seeds for at least 3 hours in the almond milk.
-Then blend it with the agave nectar, until it’s smooth.
-Add the oats and the desiccated coconut and put it in the fridge for 3 hours or overnight.
-Give it a good mix and put the fruit, the peanut butter and the pumpkin seeds on top before serving.

Are you a very active person? Do you work out a lot or do you make long days? Make sure to try this, it’s great! Oh and I’d love to see some pictures! You can show them to me by tagging me in the picture or by using #PlanetManel on Instagram. I look forward to it! Thank you! X

Cosy Winter

41eb821f-83be-4ba4-be89-81a31ab65ec9It’s coooldd!! I don’t like cold.. my body is just not made for the cold. I swear I’ll move to a warmer country one day. Until then, I better find way s to keep myself warm. What do you think of some warm comforting porridge? Sounds good, doesn’t it?! This week I present you a sweet, but fruity porridge. Porridge is a great way to start your morning (or your afternoon.. or you evening..). It’s filling and it’s energy releases slowly, what makes sure it keeps you going for longer. So if you have a busy day ahead, porridge really is the best. This porridge is very yummy, with a lovely apricot sauce. Apricots contain vitamin A and that’s important, especially in the winter. Without vitamin A, you can’t absorb vitamin D. We get vitamin D from sunlight, but as there isnt’t sufficient sunlight in the winter you need to try to be in the sun as much as you can. However, if you do not have enough vitamin A in your body, you’re wasting your chance to take in vitamin D. So pour lots of this goodness over your porridge.

c715d1cf-1a7f-40ec-8781-b8aeb5c863adCOSY WINTER

Serves: 1

1/2 cup oats
1 cup almond milk
3 apricots
2 dates
1/2 tbsp dried coconut
1 tsp agave nectar
1/8 tsp cinnamon
extra apricots

-Pour the milk into a sauce pan and add the oats. Mix well on a medium fire until it gets thick.
-Blend the apricots, the agave nectar and the cinnamon in the food processor until a nice thick sauce.
-Put the porridge in a nice bowl. Add the extra apricots, the almonds, the dates and the coconut and then pour over the nice apricot sauce.

Do you like eating porridge in the morning? And do you prefer to eat it in the winter or can you enjoy it just as much in the summer? If you’re going to make this recipe, please let me know in the comments below or show me on Instagram by tagging me or by using #PlanetManel. Thank you! X

Chia loves Oaty

onpThe easiest breakfast ever! You probably heard about overnight porridge already. It’s the best, easiest, tastiest, fastest breakfast you can make and it’s also nutritious and it releases its energy slowly. What more do you want?! The recipe I’m giving you is quite a basic recipe, but it’s how I make it. You can make lots of varieties, but let’s start with this. I always put some chia see in mine, so it’ll be a bit like a chia pudding too. Chia seed is full of fiber, protein, omega-3 and it has various micronutrients. This makes it a perfect way to start your day. The best is that it’s very easy to make. You make it before you go to sleep (will only take 1 minute, don’t worry!) and it’ll be ready for you the next morning. What means that even when you’re in a rush, you can still enjoy a nutritious breakfast what will keep you going all morning.


Serves: 1

1/2 cup oats
1 tbsp chia seed
1 cup almond milk (unsweetened)
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tbsp sliced almonds
1/2 tbsp sunflower seeds
1/4 tsp matcha powder
Fruit (any, chopped)

-Put all the ingredients (except the fruit, nuts, sunflower seeds and the matcha powder) in a container and mix well.
-Close the container and put it in the fridge overnight. (Or for 3 hours)
-Give it a quick mix the next morning and add the fruit, nuts, sunflower seeds and the matcha powder.
TIP: If you are somebody who is really rushing in the morning, make sure you cut up the fruit in the evening too. Place it in a separate container and then you only have to add it the next morning. Or simply add berries!

Are you going to try this recipe? Please let me know in the comments below or show me your beautiful and yummy creations on Instagram using #PlanetManel. Thank you! X