Nutty Banana

A44D95A5-A78C-4783-8CBB-53CC0ED590A0I had lots of ripe bananas and I was craving something baked. The logic thing to do would be to bake a banana bread and that is exactly what I did! I didn’t plan it, so I created a recipe with things that I had. As soon as you collected all your ingredients it’s actually a very easy recipe. Anyone can make it! I already have a banana bread recipe on my blog (Bananananana), but having 2 is not going to hurt anyone. This one is made with nuts and a secret ingredient: almond flour! It honestly is the best banana bread that I’ve ever made. Banana bread and nuts are just such a good combination. I ate it with greek style yogurt from Oatly (hugely recommend this!!), some organic maple syrup and toasted coconut and it was sooo good! I hope you will enjoy it as well!

7F833F9F-9694-4426-8A34-8F8CE67B2E7FNUTTY BANANA

Makes: 8 slices.

Dry ingredients:
1,5 cup flour
1/3 cup (rolled) oats
1/3 cup almond flour
1/2 cup of (coconut) sugar
1/3 cup chocolate drops (optional)
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tbs cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1/3 cup flakes almond
1 cup nuts* (chopped)

Wet ingredients:
4 (very ripe) medium bananas (mashed)
flax egg**
1/3 cup plant based milk
1/3 cup melted coconut oil/butter
1/2 tbs vanilla extract

butter/oil for greasing
1 ripe banana (sliced)
cream/greek style yogurt (optional)
maple syrup (optional)
toasted coconut (optional)

*tip: walnuts/pecans!
**mix 2 tbs flaxseed + 3 tbs plant based milk and set aside
for about 5 min.

Tip: Use a stroke of baking paper (with the width of the baking tin you are using) underneath the banana bread, so you can lift it out of the baking tin easily when it’s ready.

-Preheat the oven at 180C.
-Mix all the dry ingredients together.
-Mix all the wet ingredients together.
-Mix the dry and the wet ingredients together.
-Grease a baking tin and pour the batter in the tin.
-Place the sliced banana on the top and press it lightly into the batter.
-Place in the middle of the oven for about 50-55 min.
-Let it cool down, before slicing.
-Eat with cream/greek style yogurt, maple syrup and toasted coconut.

Are you going to make this banana bread? It’s a great thing to make and to share! Please show me your creation by tagging me on Instagram with @freedomevermore. Thank you! X


D577C8D7-2EE0-4386-8747-A4EB90AC6C64One of may favourite dishes to make.. or actually, one of my favourite dishes to eat, is lasagna! I find it so handy to make a big oven dish and eat from it a few times. This also makes it a perfect family recipe. It’s even quite fun to do it with kids, building up the different layers.
I always eat my lasagna with a very simple salad; literally just lettuce and little bit of mayo as a dressing. The combination of lasagna and salad is just soooo good! I highly recommend you try it too. It’s quite silly that I never put this classic lasagna recipe on my blog before, because I’ve send similar recipes to several people over the years. Better late than never right! I hope you will enjoy it!


Serves: 3-4 people

1 bag pb grated cheese (I used Sheese)
6 lasagna sheets 
1 big red onion (medium chop)
4 cloves of garlic (minced)
250 gr mushrooms (medium chop)
1/2 head of broccoli (medium chop)
300 gr frozen spinach (defrosted)
1 courgette (sliced in length)
2 cans chopped tomatoes 
Small hand of fresh basil (chopped)
2-4 tbs nutritional yeast
1 cube of veggie stock 
1 tsp onion granules
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
Salt/Pepper (to taste)
Oil for frying (or water!)

I used an 20×30 cm oven dish. 

-Preheat the oven at 200C. 
-Fry the onion, 1/3 of the garlic, the broccoli and a big pinch of salt for about 5 min on a high.
-Add the mushrooms and fry all together for 3 min. 
-Pour both cans of chopped tomatoes with the veggies and as soon as it start bubbling, turn the heat to medium and add the stock.
-Mix until the stock is dissolved and then add the rest of the garlic, salt and pepper to taste, the nutritional yeast and the basil. Mix again.
-Divide a little layer of the sauce in the bottom of your oven dish and put the lasagna sheets on top. Do another layer of sauce + sheets + sauce. 
-Divide the courgette slices on top of the layer of sauce and add the last little bit of sauce over the courgette.
-Squeeze as much water from the spinach as you can and divide it over the courgette/sauce, before you divide all the cheese on top. 
-Put it in the middle of the oven for 40-45 min.

Tips: To make it an all vegetable lasagna, you could replace the lasagna sheets by courgette sheets. Be creative and add another layer of cheese somewhere in the middle or a layer of sliced tomatoes. Instead of plant-based grated cheese, you could also use a home made cashew sauce for on the top, like I’ve did with the Tagliaca pasta dish.

Please let me know if you will make this recipe. Or even better, show me! You can tell me down below or show me via Instagram, by tagging @FreedomEvermore. Thank you! X


I want to start by telling you that there is a chance that this article might be(come) censored, telling you that parts of my article aren’t true or even maybe deleted. This is happening a lot lately, with other people who are trying to spread awareness and the truth. If you do not know why this is, I promise you that the answer is in the article. I suggest copy/pasting this article and saving it somewhere on your phone or computer, just so you can always access it (for if you want to do your own research). I also want to write a disclaimer: I’m writing this article, fully believing in what I’m writing. If I’m not sure about something, I will always specify this. However, there might be people believing different things. I do stand behind what I write though and after months of research, I fully believe that this is the truth. Everything I write you can look up yourself. I tried as much as possible to not write too much from my own believes, but to just give information. My main goal is to give you something else than the one-sided story you’ve been hearing everywhere and for you to start researching and thinking for yourself. I also want to write a little disclaimer about my English. It is not my first language and I’m sure you will find mistakes. Let’s just ignore those, ok? Because spelling and grammar is one of the least concerning things at the moment.

For a while I’ve considered writing this article. I didn’t, because there is a lot that I want to say. It’s so much, that it’s even quite hard to wrap my head around it myself. Still, I felt the huge urge to write this. I feel it is my duty and I even feel that I’ve been put on this earth to make people aware. This doesn’t mean that I put myself on a pedestal. It’s the opposite. I feel so close to you that I do this out of love. I want people to become more aware of what is happening. There is such a big urge in me to spread what I know, that I started to take notes and gather information for months now. First just for myself, but 3 weeks ago I started to write it all down for you. Many people helped me with this, adding things, suggesting things, telling me I shouldn’t forget about this or that etc. I want to thank you all! Let’s do this together, as it should be. Let’s UNITE!

In the beginning of this year, we all heard about the corona virus. Many people became scared, because it was said to kill a lot of people. Everyone went into panic mode. In the whole beginning, I wasn’t too bothered though. I thought it was going to be something that we all forgot about in 1-2 months. Boy, was I very wrong. Just before lockdown I started to worry a bit though. I told people to stay at home and I told people off who didn’t. This didn’t last very long, because when they kept changing the rules, it started to be suspicious. I started to research, I asked other people what they thought and all together I found out that there is a lot that they are not telling us. All we hear is the mainstream media and the government. The corona virus story is a very one sided story, based on spreading fear. Look at history, look within yourself, with fear you can make people do a lot of things.

Now, I’ll answer a few questions that I’m sure you’re having right now: Do I believe that there is a virus? Yes! Do I believe that we are still in a pandemic? No! Do I believe that the measures that are given to prevent the spread are a good thing? No!

Many people think that when I talk about this, I deny the whole virus. This is not true. I do believe that there is a virus and that people were/are sick and that people have died/are dying. But I do not believe the amount of cases or the amount of deaths. I most certainly do not believe in the measures that are given to stop the spread. Let alone, having these measures, based on the current cases. Why I do not believe this and why I believe that the government is lying to us, is why I’m writing this article. Enough about what I think though, let’s just look at what is going on and then you can form your own opinion.

The measures are different in every country and they are changing in rapid speed. These basic measures are quite similar in every country:

  • HANDS – Wash your hands regularly and for at least 20 seconds.
  • FACE – Cover your face in enclosed spaces, especially where social distancing may be difficult and where you will come into contact with people you do not normally meet.
  • SPACE – Stay 2 metres apart where possible, or 1 metre with extra precautions in place.

Then there are different rules for every country, coming from these 3 measures. To read the official UK measures (at the time that I’m writing this) you can click HERE.

The measures are given, so it’s less likely for people to get ill and/or to die from the virus. But what I find odd, is that they are not talking about what you can do to become healthier. The healthier you are, the less likely that you will catch the virus, get ill from the virus and in some cases, eventually die from it. What is it that we do when we get the flu (which, just to confirm, is also coming from a virus) and/or when flu season is about to start? We look after our immune system. I believe we should do this all year around, but many people are giving it some extra attention when the R is in the month or when they feel a cold coming up. But there is absolutely nothing on the website, in the press conferences or in the mainstream media that is urging us to do that. Nobody is speaking about it, whilst it is so important! When someone on tv brings it up, they are shut up. When doctors try to spread the word, they are not heard, shut up or their messages get censored. If the 3 measures, are here to protect us from a virus, then I think looking after our immune system should be rule number 1. As a nutritionist, I think that it should be our priority, because the better your immune system, the more likely it is for your body to fight the virus. And if you did get the virus, recovering from it will be, in many cases, so much easier when your body is in top condition.

Now, that I mentioned this critical missing measure, let’s talk about the three measures that are in place. Starting, with washing your hands. I think washing your hands regularly is a good idea, especially when it’s flu season, but I think washing your hands is something everyone should do anyway. I personally always wash my hands after going to the toilet or when I come home. When you have a cold you wash your hands a bit more often and that, I think, is common sense. They also recommend using hand sanitisers. Using a hand sanitiser, when there is no other option is super handy. Once in a while. But many people are using it several times a day now and are washing their hands a crazy amount as well. Every shop you enter is providing a bottle of hand sanitiser and many people (incl. children!) are using it. They recommend you to use some before entering the shop and when leaving the shop. Every shop again. Resulting in people having dry and painful hands. Apart from that I understand that having dry and painful hands is not nice, I see a bigger problem.
By washing our hands and using gels so many times, we are also killing the good bacteria. The human body is thriving on good bacteria. I am very passionate about the gut, because your gut is where it is all happening. Your gut even has its own nerve system and this is why it’s sometimes referred to as your second brain. Basically, when your gut is in poor health, you are in poor health (both physically and mentally). Your gut health has a huge role in absorbing nutrients and releasing hormones. One of the very interesting parts, especially now, is that over 80% of our immune system is in our gut. Your body relies on bacteria. On gut microbiota and on the bacteria that live on our skin, it fights inflammation. I’m not going to explain that whole process here, as this is not an article about gut health and microbiomes (I do recommend you to research this though as it’s super interesting). Some doctors even linked over using hand sanitisers to antibiotic resistance, which is a serious problem. The point I’m trying to make here though, is that we are weakening our immune system by over washing and overusing hand sanitisers.

Face masks are recommended and in some places, mandatory. Here in the UK there is now someone standing at most (shop) entrances, making sure you are wearing a mask. You are not allowed to get your groceries or to look for a new winter coat, when you are not wearing a mask. Then there is a lot of confusion about what kind of mask you should wear or not wear. In the whole beginning, we didn’t have to wear a mask at all and children under 11 years old also didn’t have to wear a mask. In the end of July I flew to France for work, with the 3 children from work. I had to wear a mask, but as the kids are all under 11, they didn’t have to wear one. Resulting in me wearing a mask, sitting next to the children whom I cuddle and kiss all day long. In public transport, there are parents wearing a mask, sitting next to their children who are not wearing a mask. There is no logic in this at all, especially when they tell us that children are less likely to get it and when they do get it, they are not likely to show any symptoms. But (!), they can spread it. 

Then I also want to talk about how harmful wearing a mask is for your health. It effects your mental health as all we see is masks. Body language/Facial expressions is very important, more important than you might realise. We do not see smiles anymore, but often have to guess intentions now or hope for the best. This affects you consciously and unconsciously.
We need oxygen, everyone knows this. Wearing a mask is providing you with some, luckily, because otherwise we would die on the spot. What also happens though, is that you’re breathing in a huge amount of CO2 (you basically inhale oxygen and exhale CO2). When you are wearing a mask the following can happen, because of elevated levels of CO2: shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, hyperventilation, seizures and in extreme cases a possible death. These or not things to be taken lightly.
But what if there is a killer virus and the mask is preventing you from getting it or spreading it? People will choose to wear it, because this is what we are seeing all around us. Even when it wasn’t recommended or mandatory yet, people were already wearing it. Although, I think many did it without knowing the risks. I think people who are wearing one now, are mostly just scared, even though many are saying that they are not scared. They say that they are doing it because it’s the rule and they want to just be careful and do the right thing. I totally understand this, but what if I told you that the masks do not work? It happens that a virus is so small, that it can easily go through the fabric of your mask. Masks are made to prevent big drops of saliva to spill. But a virus can easily just pass through the mask (see picture below).

What you often do (or at least, what you should do) when you’ve caught the flu, is opening a window or when you are capable, go for a little walk in nature. Why? Because everyone knows how beneficial fresh air is. It’s common sense really. It’s not a coincidence that the majority of people who live in the countryside, are healthier than people who live in big cities. Air quality has a huge influence on our bodies. Not only the quality, but also breathing itself. When you are feeling stressed or anxious, taking a nice, big, deep breath can be so healing already. Breathing is the essence of life! It’s most important in yoga, meditation and many other (spiritual) practices. The breath is in direct connection with our inner self.
Looking at all this, you must understand and probably conclude yourself already, how this also effects your immune system. You can literally boost your immune system by (deep) breathing techniques. Instead, we are obligated to wear masks, everywhere we go. In some countries even outside.

The third and last measure is ‘space’; keeping a distance. Personally, this one is the one in particular that I have a huge problem with. I understand, that when someone is ill, we definitely shouldn’t start hugging and we need to keep a distance. When you have the flu, you stay at home, because you’re not feeling well, but also because you do not want to infect anyone else. Again, it’s common sense.
Because of this measure, people on the streets and in public areas are staying away from each other. They take steps back when you come too close and are getting out of your way (funny enough, in the UK this is one of the things that is less noticeable, because everyone was doing that already: it’s polite. Haha!). Not only strangers are doing this, because this measure is also meant for your family and your friends. Hugging loved ones is most valuable though. Humans are made for touching. It’s deeply rooted in our system. Whilst hugging someone, the bonding hormone oxytocin is released. Hugging improves your mood, can lower your blood pressure and slows your heart rate. When you are feeling stressed, a hug is very helpful. I think we don’t even need scientific proof for this (it is out there for if you want to make sure), because I think we’ve all experienced this at some point in our life. This is why hugging your baby is so important as well, it even promotes growth and development. Hugging is important! Personally, I love hugging and touching people. It creates and strengthens a bond and it just makes you feel good.

Now, this probably doesn’t come as a surprise, but there are studies that prove how hugging improves and strengthens your immune system. I urge you to research ‘hugging’ (it’s a nice subject to research!). You will find how hugging benefits the nerve system, how your body will release serotonin (also known as the happiness hormone), how it stimulates the Thymus Gland (it regulates/balances the production of white blood cells, which is a direct link to strengthening your immune system). You will find that it will decrease loneliness, fear, anxiety, self-esteem issues and overall stress and tension. But again, I don’t think we need scientific prove for this, because we just know this.

There is still no real proof that these 3 measures stopped a massive spread. There was no peak after protests against the measures or around the BLM protests. Maybe a very small group of people didn’t get the virus because of the measures, but let’s look at what the measures itself did so far and what they will cause in the future. 
These 3 extreme measures together are strengthening each other. A vicious circle is created. Because all these measures are taken to the extreme, they create constant fear, stress and many people are very lonely. Wherever you are going, you see people with masks on, you see posters and stickers on the floor and the wall telling you to wash your hands, to wear a mask and to keep a distance, you see tape marking a 1-2 meters distance and there are messages and markings sprayed onto the pavement and the road. When you post anything on social media (Instagram) that includes words like ‘Covid19, corona, virus or pandemic’, there are automatic articles about the latest Covid19 news linked to your post, without you giving permission. When you turn on your tv or the radio you are told all these measures over and over again. They tell you how important it is, because the number of cases went up (later more about this). Wherever you are, you are constantly confronted and reminded of the measures and the consequences. Which makes that you are constantly confronted and reminded of the virus. The result is raised levels of fear and stress, even when you are not fully aware of this. Constantly! With raised levels of fear and stress, the frequency of your vibrations is very low. When the frequency of your vibration is low you attract negativity and it weakens your immune system.

I would like to talk about the third measure, keeping a distance, a bit more. This measure is causing a lot of loneliness. It’s one of the reasons why I said that this one is the one I have a big problem with. There are so many people who are extremely lonely. In all ages, but specifically older people who are living alone or in care homes. I’ve heard many stories and I have watched many videos of crying and desperate (older) people. The stories and videos are totally heart breaking. People who suffer from Alzheimer, who are even more confused now and who are desperate for a visit and a hug, but who are not getting it. Not for just a week, not for 2 weeks, but for months in a row now. I find this pure torture. Many (older) people’s health issues are also rapidly getting worse. Loneliness is one of the reasons why people are dying (faster) and loneliness is a direct link to the ‘space’ measure. There are people dying alone, somewhere in a (hospital/care home) room. Just imagine that you are about to die and you are all by yourself. Many older people also already said that they rather risk the virus, than living their last time on earth under these circumstances.
This also brings me to the people who are diagnosed too late and/or are receiving treatment too late. People are told not to go to the doctor or the hospital. You can now have digital appointments and many people think ‘I will go to the doctor when this is all over’. There are people dying because of this and there will be many more people dying from that in the future. Which means, that people are not only dying from the Covid19 virus, but also, very clearly, from the measures that supposed to protect us. These deaths, are predicted to be much higher than the (real) Covid19 deaths.

Let us look at the conclusion. Because you do not have to be a doctor to conclude that these 3 measures are weakening our immune system (especially combined). Or at least we can agree that they definitely won’t strengthen our immune system. This, in combination with that ‘strengthen your immune system’, is not even one of the measures to begin with. Not only that, they aren’t even mentioning it at all! If these 3 measures are highly necessary to stop the virus from spreading, like the government/WHO say they do, why are they not also urging us that because we have to take these extreme measures, we should definitely take EXTRA care of our immune system?!

Another direct consequence of the measures, is that people are losing their job and/or their business. There are many people who are at home jobless, because the company they used to work for had to let people go. There are people who see their (small) business crumble right in front of them, many of them to never return, like restaurants and cafes. Family and entertainment business are disappearing. I think it is obvious, but I do want to mention it just in case: When people are uncertain of the future and/or don’t have any (extra) money, they will also consume less. This effects all (small) business. The economic damage is immense!

Every death is sad and especially when it’s family, it’s horrible to miss someone. I do think that we have to be realistic though and look at the numbers. In the UK, the average age to die of Covid19 is 82.4. Many people in old age, every year, die from a virus. If we look at the bigger picture, I think that it’s very clear that there are more people suffering from the measures, than the virus itself.

I want to mention ‘stress’ one more time, before we go to testing. Everyone knows that stress is bad for you, or at least how unpleasant it is. Stress also kills your immune system. Long term stress can have many consequences. Stress increases your risk of developing other illnesses, from a cold to heart disease or any other chronic illness. Stress causes mental health conditions, or make them worse. And a very known and common one: stress causes poor sleep, difficulties to get to sleep or to stay asleep (which causes all these consequences extra). Now look at how many people are stressed.

I have screenshots on my phone of countries ordering ‘Covid19 Tests’ in 2018, but I can’t prove that they are real, because if you now go to the WITS website, you can see that countries ordered millions of ‘Medical Test Kits’ and ‘Swab and Viral transport medium sets’ in 2019. It is still curious though, as the WHO declared the outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on January the 30th 2020, and a pandemic on March the 11th 2020. Did all these countries decide in December 2019 to spend millions on test kits just in case?

The most common test that is used to test if you have Covid19 or not, is the PCR Test. The PCR Test is invented by Kary B. Mullin. The test is known to be not accurate though. This is not a secret and you can look this up anywhere. It is thought to detect approximately 70% of Covid19 infections. The test is more accurate when you would only test people who actually have Covid19 symptoms, which was happening more in the beginning of this year. At the moment, they are testing a lot of people though. People who have 0 symptoms or who just have a blocked nose. They are recommending you to get tested as soon as you have the idea that you might have the virus, when you are going back to work for example or when you are just worried. In the UK the army is even going door to door to offer people tests. You can just get tested, no questions asked.. just a little bit of your DNA. You can even order tests online. The problem is that the test is less and less accurate this way. I will try to explain to you why this is.

The PCR Test can’t see the difference between dead and alive RNA. This means that the test can’t see the difference between if you are ill now or have been ill. This is why in the prescription of the PCR Test it is mentioned that whenever RNA is detected, it doesn’t have to be that this is also where your symptoms are coming from. It could be that it detects another virus or bacteria, even when this is injected via the flu jab. The PCR Test is not made to just detect Covid19.

Something that is very important is the prevalence. Prevalence says something about how many people in a certain group are actually ill. You have high prevalence and low prevalence. When there is a high prevalence, it means that there are a lot of people who are actually ill (who actually have symptoms) in a certain group. This is, what I mentioned earlier, when the test is more trustworthy. When testing in high prevalence, the margin of error is in between a 0-2%. 
Now let’s look at a low prevalence (what is happening lately, because everyone can get themselves tested, with or without symptoms). Low prevalence means that a small group of people, within the certain group, is actually ill (who actually have symptoms). The lower the prevalence, the higher the margin of error. But in the meantime, they are basing the whole second wave on this.

In the UK we went from 10,000 test a day in March to around 500,000 test a day (with plans to go beyond). This is clearly a low prevalence.

In the beginning, they were advising people to only get tested when it was very necessary. So, when someone actually experienced the symptoms, but when they still had to go somewhere or when someone was working in health care for example. With only 10,000 test a day, mostly used by people who were experiencing symptoms, you can imagine that there was a high prevalence.
Now that flu season has started, flu jabs are highly recommended (they say it’s more important than ever!) and the tests are available for everyone, there are suddenly a lot more cases. 

There is a cure for Covid19, which is already tested and suggested by many doctors all over the world. It is normally used to treat malaria. It’s a triple drug combo: hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc. Even though it is safe to use and there have been quick and positive results for people with Covid19, it is not recognised as a cure. I’ve heard several doctors who are positive about this and who successfully tried it with their patients. Instead, the doctors who did this, are now not allowed to give this to people any longer.
Hydroxychloroquine is known to be safe and is even used by pregnant and breastfeeding woman. However, it only makes a difference for Covid19 patients who are not in the IC yet and in long term use (with Lupus for example) it is connected to heart disease later on in life. I’m not a doctor of course (so, correct me if I’m wrong), but I assume that using this combination of medicine for Covid19 is not considered long term. Also, there are so many (long term) medicines prescribed every day, with so many side effects, but people still take that. So, why are we not using this medicine, maybe only for the most vulnerable (?), to prevent the immense suffering that the measures are now creating for everyone? Many doctors are saying this, but they are being shut up.
Why is this not in the mainstream media? Could it be that, if this is the cure, the (already purchased) vaccines won’t be necessary anymore?

The ‘World Health Organisation’ was set up on April the 7th, in 1948. They are now with more than 7000 people, from more than 150 countries and their headquarters in in Geneva, Switzerland. They claim to ‘promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable’. This is what they do in health emergencies: 

-Prepare for emergencies by identifying, mitigating and managing risks.
-Prevent emergencies and support development of tools necessary during outbreaks.
-Detect and respond to acute health emergencies.
-Support delivery of essential health services in fragile settings.

All these measures and advices we are getting around de Covid19, comes from the WHO. At first sight, it seems to be a great organisation and I’m sure they do a lot of good things too and a lot of good people are working there, trying to make an actual difference. Let’s look into a few things (mentioned throughout the article).

Starting with their CEO, called Tedros Adhanom. He started his 5 year term on July the 1st, in 2017. In Ethiopia, Adhanom served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2012–2016 and also as Minister of Health from 2005–2012. Adhanom turns out to have a close relationship with China’s President Xi Jinping. And when he ran to become the CEO of the WHO, he was backed by Chinese diplomats. Adhanom is the first CEO of the WHO without a medical background, but with a political background.

To me it is very strange that Adhanom became the CEO of the WHO. There is a whole list of crimes he is involved with, during his time as a minister. To give you some examples: during his time as health minister he refused to declare a suspected outbreak of cholera an epidemic. He discouraged journalists from reporting on Cholera in the country and they were pressured by government employees not to reveal the number of infected. This resulted in many deaths and infected people in Ethiopia and surrounding countries. And in the beginning of 2020 he has been accused of ignoring the Chinese government’s lack of transparency over the coronavirus. It seems that they found their image a lot more important than helping other countries to prepare for the virus. 

Despite his crimes, he did receive the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Humanitarian Award for his contributions of public health in 2011. It is a true mystery how a man like Adhanom receives awards, whilst he is responsible for so many deaths and so much suffering. I encourage you to look into Tedros Adhanom.

Every time you research something about vaccines, funding or public health, Bill Gates is popping up and this is why I want to make sure that this man is not missed in this article, because he clearly plays a role. Let’s look at who he is.

Bill Gates was born into wealth. His great grandfather and grandfather were bankers and his father Bill Gates senior was a lawyer and political lobbyist. Bill Gates dropped out of college to start Microsoft with his childhood friend Paul Allen. He got credit for inventing the operating system that became Windows, but he actually didn’t invent it. He bought an existing operating system from Seattle Computer Products, had it modified and then licensed it to IBM. 
Microsoft’s co-founder Paul Allen says in his book ‘Idea Man’, that Bill tried to buy his share for a bargain and that he cheated him out of the company, using Steve Ballmer. This happened whilst Paul was treated for cancer. Paul left Microsoft in 1983. Steve Ballmer who is one of Bill’s best friends (he was even his best man at Bill and Melinda’s wedding), later became CEO of Microsoft in January 2000.

Antitrust Lawsuit 
In May 1998, Microsoft was sued by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Attorneys General of twenty U.S. states (and the District of Columbia), because of illegally thwarting competition, to protect and extend their software monopoly. In October 1998 they were also sued by the U.S. Department of Justice for violating a 1994 consent decree, by forcing computer makers to include its Internet browser as a part of the installation of Windows software. I personally found the video tapes during Bill Gates’s deposition, cringing. Hard to watch! I also have to admit that the questions were a bit weird or the same (but I admit that I don’t have enough knowledge about questioning), but Bill argues a lot over simple words or simply says ‘I don’t recall’. I think, when there isn’t anything to hide, you can answer with the truth, explaining what you mean.
I doubted about if I should explain the whole case here, but I decided against it, because the information is easily found. That is why I want to encourage you to watch the deposition video tapes and read up about this case. I find it awkward, cringing and very curious from beginning to end, but you might have a different opinion.

Gates Foundation
Even though Bill Gates is mainly known as Microsoft’s co-founder (+ former chairman and CEO), he is also known through the ‘Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’. The foundation is very popular in the mainstream media and Bill and Melinda Gates are very eager to show the world what ‘good’ things they are doing.

Because of the antitrust lawsuit, it’s no secret that Bill Gates lost his credibility and popularity. In 2000, during the lawsuit and the same year that Steve Ballmer became the CEO of Microsoft, Bill Gates invested $100 million to set up the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates rebranded himself. He was in tv shows, on covers, did interviews etc. What happened is that he went from that sneaky tech monopoliser to a generous philanthropist hero, basically overnight. He then said that investing in vaccines was his best investment he had ever made. It made him the richest man in the world. The investment turned $10 billion into $200 billion worth of economic benefits.

Some curious facts about the Gates Foundation:
-They make money coming from over 60 companies that are causing many social and health problems, like: McDonalds, Shell, PepsiCo, Walmart, Coca Cola, KFC and Bayer/Monsanto (also all companies who own the whole food industry). 
-They are the biggest funder of the WHO and de CDC, which makes Bill Gates the biggest influencer of health and medical freedom.
-Some of the emergency response partners of the Gates Foundation are Oxfam, Save the Children and Unicef, all of them involved in sexual abuse/harassment scandals. (I do believe that there are lovely people working at these organisations though, who are doing it for all the right reasons and I’m sure that they are doing some good work too. But you also have to understand, that these are profitable organisations. They are profitable businesses, with their CEO’s earning 6 figures a year.)

In 1986 president Ronald Reagan signed a National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which gives total immunity to vaccine manufactures. 
In 2009 the HPV vaccine was given, by PATH (partner of Gates Foundation) to 24.000 girls. Lots of girls got very ill, but there was no insurance and no help. Dr. Colin Gonsalves (senior Counsel, Supreme Court of India) was surprised to see an American organisation operating in India. He wanted it to be investigated. He says that this is when the government officials said that they are sorry and they would not allow them again. In the meantime, Fact Checkers were quick to say that the Gates Foundation was never kicked out of India and every article that said differently, was false. Dr. Gonsalves also says that “now they are back it just shows that it’s manipulations of the media and by the media, manipulating public opinion, by leaders of all political parties who are all saying that they want the vaccine”. He thinks “it’s the worst that they are seen as philanthropists, whilst this is actually an accusation of political and financial power”.

One of the Gates Foundation’s core priorities is to eliminate polio. This is why, in 2011, they invested in Chinese biopharmaceutical company. The OPV production went from 80 million to 240 million doses. In 2018 a scientific study (by Rachana Dhiman, Sandeep C Prakash, V Sreenivas and Jacob Puliyel) in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, said that 640,000 children developed NPAFP in the years 2000-2017, suggesting that there were an additional 491,000 paralysed children above their expected numbers for children with NPAFP. The response to the reduction in OPV rounds (de-challenging) adds credence to the assumption that OPV was responsible for the change in the NPAFP rate. Again, Fact Checkers were quick to say that this is false, but you can still look this up at PMC (NCBI).

The Gates Foundation also is giving the polio vaccine to children in Nigeria. Due to low cost, they are given an oral vaccine. The oral vaccine contains a little bit of the alive (weakened) virus (in Western countries an inactive virus injection is given, as a prevention) and it mutated, resulting children are now paralysed by the alive virus in the vaccine. 

Curiously, in 2016 Bill and Melinda Gates were given the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Barack Obama. Freedom for who?

Event 201 
Bill Gates already talked about a pandemic and vaccines in his famous 2015 Ted Talk. He also said that he was excited for the year 2020 (nowadays, you’re one of the very few Bill!). On October 18 (2019!), a 3,5 hour event was held in New York, called Even 201; a Global Pandemic Exercise. The event was a simulation of a ‘possible pandemic’, only 2 months before Covid19 was found in Wuhan. The simulation included dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas. The event was by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (partner of and funded by the Gates Foundation), World Economic Forum (also a partner of the Gates Foundation) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 

Jeffrey Epstein
Many know Jeffrey Epstein by now, mostly through the documentary on Netflix. For anyone who doesn’t know him: Jeffrey Epstein was also a philanthropist, who set up the Jeffrey Epstein Foundation, giving millions of dollars to top universities, science institutes medical schools and international peace accords. He was also a convicted sex offender, (sexually) abusing many young girls. Having a foundation that donates large amounts of money, isn’t a guarantee for being a good person or having right intentions. For Jeffrey Epstein it was clearly something he was hiding behind. Pretending to be a good person, so nobody would suspect the horrible things he was doing as well.

Jeffrey Epstein’s foundation gave money to establish the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics (Harvard University), and the Open Cog project:
-Program for Evolutionary Dynamics (Harvard University): evolution of cooperation, cancer, viruses, evolutionary game/graph/set theory, prelife, protocells, eusociality, evolution of construction, population structure, evolution of language, experimental games, and evolutionary economics. video series where experts discussing everything about the human brain.
-Open Cog project: an open-source software initiative for artificially intelligence, aka: robots. It’s an architecture for robot and virtual embodied cognition. Some of it is designed to give rise to human-equivalent artificial general intelligence.

You might not know this, because apparently, the mainstream media decided that this isn’t that important, but Bill Gates is a direct link to Jeffrey Epstein. They established their relationship, as far as I can find, after Jeffrey Epstein was convicted (2008). Although, there is a woman called Melanie Walker, who knew Jeffrey Epstein since 1992 and worked as Jeffrey’s science advisor from 1998. She also worked as the Senior Program Officer for the Gates Foundation from 2006-2013. Melanie apparently also lived in a building, owned by Jeffrey Epstein.

Bill Gates said that he didn’t have a business relationship or a friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, but that does make me wonder what they were doing and discussing on the numerous occasions that they met (including several times in Jeffrey Epstein’s place in Manhattan). There also have been several employers of the Gate’s Foundation visiting Jeffrey Epstein, several times, in his Manhattan mansion. Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein kept meeting up, at least from 2011-2017. In 2013, Bill Gates even flew from New Jersey to Palm Beach, in Epstein’s jet. Gates later said that he didn’t know that it was Epstein’s jet. 
The meet ups were said to be for funds for the Gates Foundation. Some of the employees from the Gates Foundation said that they didn’t know that Jeffrey Epstein was a convicted sex offender and that they were shocked to learn that the Gates Foundation was working with someone like Jeffrey Epstein.
Then there is Boris Nikolic, Gates’s science advisor, through the Gates Foundation. Jeffrey Epstein named Boris Nikolic in his will as a fallback executor after he killed himself.

This raises a lot of questions for me. 
-Why deny having a relationship with Jeffrey Epstein whilst they obviously had one?
-Bill Gates said that he regrets meeting with Jeffrey Epstein, but why did he meet with him so many times for at least 6 years? And why meet up and discuss funds with a convicted sex offender (for a foundation that stands for helping children!)?
-Bill said that he wanted to have new sources of money (setting up a charitable trust that was benefiting Jeffrey Epstein). But why would one of the richest man of the world choose to do this with the convicted Jeffrey Epstein?
-A spokesman for Bill Gates refused to say how many times he had met Jeffrey Epstein. Why is this a secret?
-Why did Jeffrey Epstein name Boris Nikolic in his will? No one, and I think especially not someone like Jeffrey Epstein, would do this when you just know each other briefly and have not that much to do with each other, right?

When there is a vaccine, COVAX (led by WHO, GAVI and CEPI) is going to make sure that the vaccines will go to each country. Now, guess what.. GAVI and CEPI are both funded by non-other than Bill Gates. The Gates Foundation pledged $750 million to set up GAVI and CEPI was co-founded and co-funded with $460 million from the Gates Foundation (among others). And that is not all, because if you remember from earlier: The WHO’s biggest contributor is also the Gates Foundation.
This means that when the leading vaccine organisations develop a vaccine against Covid19, they are directly linked to Bill Gates.
And if you payed attention, then you understand that the measures that are given to us, coming from the WHO, are coming from the very same source who is developing the vaccines.

About the vaccine itself. They say it normally takes about 10-15 years to develop a vaccine. It makes me wonder, because how are they going to know about the long-term consequences? Imagine a vaccine that is developed a lot quicker. They are not even being transparent about what is in the vaccines, but maybe that is still to come. There are a lot of different methods used, some of them haven’t even been used in a licensed vaccine before. Something definitely worth mentioning is, that the makers of the vaccine can’t be held accountable for the outcomes once it’s given to the public. A virus mutates as well, which means that if the vaccine would work, it might not work for the mutation.

Talking about ‘conspiracy theories’, one of the most popular ones is that the vaccine is linked to 5G and a chip that will control us. I do not want to say too much about this, but just to let you know: Elon Musk already planted a chip in the brains of a pig to do tests. This is not a secret; you can easily look it up right now.

Bill Gates said that eventually we have to move to a system where we have digital proof of who is recovered and who is vaccinated. What, do you think, does this mean?

I also want to tell you about something that is called a Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data’. This is a system that they are working on (or maybe they already finished it). It simply means that a server will provide a task through a device. The device is then communicatively coupled (could possibly be through a chip) to the server and you are rewarded if you fulfil the task.

The reward could be money, but that is not mentioned though. What maybe is interesting to mention as well, is that due to more card/contactless use, cash will eventually disappear (also something that is pushed right now, to pay by card and not with cash). They estimate this to happen in 2026. If that happens, all your money is basically just numbers in a system. This way, everything you buy or all money you receive, is traceable. 

Why I find this all so interesting to mention, is that the ‘Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data’, was patented on 26th of March 2020, by Microsoft. You can see this yourself if you like, over HERE.

One more interesting topic, whilst we talk about control, is Earth Now. Earth Now is a company who is working on sending around 500 satellites into low-earth orbit. The satellites will provide high-resolution, real-time, live-video coverage. It’s said to initially provide services to the government and large-enterprise customers. They will also use it for things like detecting natural disasters, illegal fishing, keeping an eye on war zones and crop health. How do you feel about, having 500 satellites recording everything that is happening on earth? Especially when we are so into facial recognition as well. And guess who was one of the first investors of the EarthNow project; Bill Gates invested $1 billion.

One More Question
Is Bill Gates just a misunderstood person?

I personally do not dare to say if the world is overpopulated or not (I might leave that for another article), but I do know that it’s a hot topic for the government (and Bill Gates, as it’s one of his favourite subjects). One of the people who was very interested in this, is Henry Kissinger. The Kissinger Report might come across as a little random, but the reason that I bring it up is because I want to show you how far they will go to stay in control of population and that things aren’t always what they seem.

I urge you to look into The Kissinger Report. A report that was made in 1974, by the United States National Security Council, directed by Henry Kissinger. The report used to be a secret and could only be declassified by the White House. In 1990 it was made public. Since the report there have been a lot of policy papers, but the report is still the foundational document on U.S. government population control. 
The Kissinger Report describes completely unethical methods for population control and the reasons to control the population are for the USA to have access to mineral resources of less-developed countries. There are specific countries they focus on and who are mentioned in the report: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Columbia. To control the population, they have the following methods: 
-Legalization of abortion.
-Financial incentives for countries to increase their abortion, sterilization and contraception-use rates.
-Indoctrination of children.
-Mandatory population control and coercion of other forms, such as withholding disaster and food aid unless an LDC implements population control programs.

Two examples to show you what control can look like:
-HIV is a big problem in Africa. Uganda was one of the countries that successfully decreased HIV in 2004. They did this by changing the behaviour of people; encouragement of having one partner, to be faithful and funny enough to discourage condoms. There was a 70% decrease! This success was a threat for the USA, so, organisations like CARE international (Family Planning Partner from the Gates Foundation) encouraged condoms and medicine in Africa, against HIV. People lost their fear of HIV, became riskier and HIV in Uganda increased again. Even though it looks like they are doing an amazing job, it isn’t always what it seems. Luckily the rates in Uganda are down again.

Some of the Family Planning programmes in India include (forcibly) sterilising woman. If that is by choice, then go ahead, but the bizarre thing is that it is funded by the US, other Western governments and foundations. There was a huge scandal, where woman died, within horrible circumstances, due to poor hygiene and with no proper after care. Some woman in India were offered $10 if they would do a sterilisation. I know that it’s a choice to take the $10 and to then get the operation, but in what way was it free will? What were the circumstances?

I assume you have a lot of unanswered questions by now. I have as well. I started to research this all, because I wanted answers. I got some answers, but I also have a lot more questions than I had before. It’s so hard to know who you can trust and who has conflicts of interest.

Our Health and Safety
We are told and we grew up, to trust what is said by the government (and the WHO). They tell us that the measures are put in place for our health and safety, but also for the health and safety of others. Covid19 seems to be the only important thing there is at the moment. Are they always this committed to our health though? What about consuming meat, dairy, fast food and smoking tobacco for example? All proven to be bad for our health and linked directly to obesity, heart and circulatory diseases and (lung) cancer. 
In the UK, around 460 people die due to heart and circulatory diseases and around 450 people die of cancer, each day (!). That is around 900 deaths a day! 
What would happen if the government and the mainstream media would act exactly the same way around heart and circulatory diseases and cancer as they do with Covid19? They don’t and they won’t. Instead, it is promoted! The supermarkets are full of food that is not good for us, doctors are taught how to prescribe a pill instead of a healthy lifestyle, they allow companies like McDonalds and Coca Cola to be promoted at huge (sport) events, most food in hospitals is awful and remember how the fast food restaurants were the first ones to open after lockdown?

How can we trust the government and the WHO to care about our health and safety?

There used to be a post that claimed that the virus Covid19 is patented and the patent is owned by the Gates Foundation. If you now search the web, there are a lot of articles that say that it is not true. True or not true, the post with the claim is now deleted by the so called ‘Fact Checkers’.

Fact Checkers have been around for a while, but they never have been so active as now. Who are these Fact Checkers and can we trust them? It turns out that most fact checking organisations are members of the ‘International Fact-Checking Network’. It is set up by the ‘Poynter Institute for Media Studies’. When we look at the funders we find: The Gates Foundation and Google.

Here is a list of some of the most common fact checkers: Full Fact, NewsGuard, Politifact, Health Feedback, and Infotagion. Many of these companies are also funded by Facebook. The last one, Infotagion, is very new and especially here to fact check everything around Covid19. They are mainly funded by variety of worldwide politicians, but they do not share who is actually doing the fact checking itself.

The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ is a term that most of us associate with untrustworthy. Many people laugh about the so called ‘conspiracies’ and there are literally articles that tell you ‘how to deal with conspiracy theorist’. The result of articles like that, is that whenever you now hear someone say anything that goes against the government or the WHO, they are labelled as ‘conspiracy theorist’ and you do not believe them (without doing your own research!). I’m not saying that every ‘conspiracy theory’ is true, but if some of them were true, isn’t this exactly what they would want you to think? It’s a mind game.

The Social Dilemma
The Social Dilemma is a documentary that Netflix released on January the 26th, 2020. I really like this documentary, because I like how coincidentally it’s released at the same time as the start of this so called pandemic and fact checkers being more active. The first whole hour of the documentary is about something we actually already know; we are being controlled through social media. Then in the last 30 minutes, the documentary focuses fully on ‘conspiracy theories’ and the danger of that. Warning you to not believe people who believe ‘strange and bizarre theories’. What this documentary does, is using the truth (for credibility) to tell you a lie and keep you asleep.

Mainstream Media
When you listen to the mainstream media, you will mainly hear the one-sided story about how dangerous the virus is and how we need to take the measures serious. What they are doing is spreading fear. When people are scared, or scared for each other, then people are more likely to obey.
Did you ever think why it’s only a one-sided story? There are many people (including many doctors and professors) who say something different and they are not heard. When they do get some attention, they are made ridiculous, put away as ‘conspiracy theorists’ or they are not given any proper answers.

After the protest in Berlin on the 29th of August 2020, there was nobody who was reporting how there were no peaks. What they did show everyone, was how the protest were aggressive and how people were using violence. They showed you the few videos of people who were disrupting the protests (you could ask yourself if those people were maybe hired, but that is maybe a step too far for you) and holding up Nazi symbols. They were not showing how many people, from all backgrounds, were peacefully standing up for their (and everyone’s) freedom. They were not even giving the real numbers of people who were there. It was said there were around 30,000 people, but in real life there were 100,000’s of people. Why would they lie about this? Could it be because when people hear that there are many people doubting it all, they are starting to doubt as well?
There was a most amazing speech by Robert F. Kennedy Jr (nephew of former president John F. Kennedy), but his words didn’t make it to the mainstream media. If his name was mentioned at all, it was mentioned together with the many disruptions and violence. I encourage you to listen his speech though. It is definitely worth your time.

Then what about the artists who were offered money to promote the measures?
People who you look up to, telling you to stay at home and to wear a face mask. That is clever. It also makes me wonder why it is necessary to offer artist money to do something like this. I personally do not respect the decision to take money for this.

Last but not least, I want to talk about journalists. There are a few (independent) journalists who do their research work, but their stories are not published. This means that they do not have any income, so I think that many of them are making the decision to write what they do publish (the one-sided story). I do urge all journalist to do their research and get the truth out there. I’m not a journalist, but I still felt the need to do a crazy amount of research, to write this article. This wouldn’t have been necessary, if real journalists would do their job. I know it is hard, but it has never been more important to report the truth. Be a hero and make a difference!

Influenza Viruses
There are 4 types of influenzas viruses; A, B, C and D. Some of the symptoms of influenza are: (sudden) fever and a (usually dry) cough. The one we have to deal with mostly is type A. One of the type A influenzas is the H1N1 (Swine Flu).

The Swine Flu was also declared a pandemic. This was in 2009 and it was coming from Mexico. The WHO declared it to be over in August 2010. At the time, I heard of it, but I didn’t even know that it was a pandemic back then (I actually just found out, but that might be completely my own fault). It did affect lots of people, including children. It was also dangerous for people in risk groups, like people with underlying causes. It was calculated that it killed in between 150,000 to 575,000 people. Why wasn’t there a similar response like the response we had/have now? When the Swine Flu was discovered, nobody knew how many people would die eventually, but nobody was told to stay at home, shut down businesses, wear face masks and keep a 2 meter distance. Some of the symptoms of the Swine Flu are: chills, fever, cough, sore throat. And you know what is the most remarkable, it comes back every year since then. It is one of the flu-types we can get during flu season.
Also, remember that any alive or dead RNA can make a positive PCR test. And flu season is starting right now, as it’s from October-May.

The problem is that there are too much things that are highly illogical. You can’t trust the mainstream media and there is just no transparency. When this is the case, people are going to look for answers. Everyone who looks for information and then asks (critical) questions is then called a ‘conspiracy theorist’. It’s a vicious circle. It wouldn’t happen if they were transparent and honest in the first place.

Then there is something as freedom of speech. Asking questions, having an opinion is your human right. It shouldn’t be censored or deleted, but answered and explained.

Bill Gates said that he wants to vaccinate the entire population.
 Now, all the world leaders are telling you ‘we can’t go back to normal, until we have a vaccine’.

In the beginning, they said that the few measures they gave was just to flatten the curve. We were advised to wash and sanitise our hands more, to keep our distance and to stay at home where possible. Most people agreed that this was the right thing to do. So, people rushed to stock up on sanitisers and hand soap (and toilet paper for some reason), stayed at home where possible and didn’t meet up as much. 
Then they came with the lockdown. It was just for 3 weeks though. The rules during lockdown were the following (UK):

-Shopping for basic necessities.
-One form of exercise a day – either alone or with members of your household.
-Medical need or to provide care help vulnerable person.
-Travel to work – but only if necessary and you cannot work from home.

Then they extended it for ‘just’ another 3 weeks. But after 6 weeks, it took a very long time before things were a little bit more normal. Places started to open very slowly again, with fast food places opening as one of the first and the gym opening as one of the last. 

After the lockdown they advised us to wear facial masks and eventually that ended in the 3 main measures we have today. Now you have to wear a mask whenever you enter a shop or another public place. You also have to wear one in the gym, when walking into a pub or when entering a restaurant for example. Only when you are entering the building though, because you don’t have to wear one during the exercise or as soon as you sit down. Which, I personally, find super illogical.
A lot of it doesn’t make sense, but the inconvenience and controlling factor is very high. Still, people obey.

They are now announcing a second lockdown and in some countries and areas, people are in lockdown already. They have always been talking about a second wave since the beginning, so it is not coming as a surprise to me. I’m very curious to see how much people are still going to just obey. I can see a rise of people who dare to ask questions, who can see how illogical, destructive and ridiculous this all is. Of course, everyone wants to protect others, but we are also protecting others and ourselves when we do not obey. Every death is sad and when it’s your grandma or father, it’s very hard. Death is part of life though and whilst you’re alive, you should live your life. The way we are living now is not living. We’re (literally) locked up and it’s unnatural. Like I mentioned before, I think we need to ask ourselves if the Covid19 deaths we are preventing, are weighing up to the suffering and the many deaths caused by the measures. Why do we only care about people who are dying from a virus, but ignore for example domestic abuse and the suicides that are rising since this all started?

There are many headlines saying how we will never go back to normal (as in, how it was before Covid19) and that this is the new normal. It happened/happens so slowly though. Every time there was/is another step, another measure, another rule, another thing to get used to. We are already so used to people wearing masks or staying away from each other, that I catch myself thinking how people are touching each other and how they are not wearing masks, whenever I watch a movie. Do you have this too? Then I think you need to ask yourself how normal that is.

There is something I want to ask you. It doesn’t matter if you choose to wear a mask or not, but please stop taking selfies and pictures with the mask (on). Let’s try our very best to not make it the new normal. Show your smile! When I look around me and on social media, I see that the masks are being made fun and cool. Masks, whatever the print, are not fun or cool. I think we can all agree on that? We also shouldn’t teach the younger generations that, the situation we are living in now, is normal.

The Kids
Let’s talk about the younger generation. Did you wonder what this must feel and look like for them? Children are now growing up in a world where they are told to be scared of others; adults and even their own friends. They grow up thinking that people are dirty and full of contagious bacteria, so they need to stay away from everyone. They see people with masks on and people who are stepping back to keep a distance from them. They are told to wash their hands and to put on hand gel several times a day. 
Children as young as 8 years old have to wear a mask in the hallways at school and I know many children with very dry and sometimes painful hands, due to washing and sanitising a lot of times a day. Parents and teachers who are telling them that it’s all because there is a scary virus that can make you ill and/or kill you (or it can kill your grandparents and it will be your fault!). It sounds like a movie. There is actually a 2003 American series called ‘Dead Zone’ that has basically the exact scenario of this pandemic. It’s episode 14, season 2. It’s about children catching a coronavirus that comes from China, who have to go into lockdown and is eventually cured with chloroquine.

Maybe some of you were born in a subculture, religion or maybe even a sect (if not, then I hope you can maybe imagine this). I’m sure that the majority who was raised like this, will admit that, growing up in that particular way (of beliefs), will always stay with them. Even though they are maybe not living that lifestyle anymore, it is always in the back of their heads. I personally experience this, because I was raised a Christian myself. And even though I do not consider myself a Christian anymore, I still notice that I was raised like that, good and bad. Now imagine you are a child who grows up in the madness we are in now. I’m sure that this whole crisis will have a huge impact on children, still noticeable when they are adults.

It is said that the first 5-7 years of a human being are crucial. We learn a lot in these years and by the time we are 7 years old we start putting things together. In these first years of development, a base is established. We form an image of the world and the people around us. 
A child is like a blanc, an empty canvas if you will. They believe what they are told and they definitely believe what they see and feel. Now, imagine being a 5-year-old who is looking at the world for the first time the way it is now.

Not only 5 year olds of course, but it affects all children, teenagers and adult very hard as well, as we talked about earlier.

Nothing like this should become the new normal!!

After all this information, I have one last question: Why are you still blindly obeying?

Democracy is completely gone, but one of the biggest crimes, I find, is that they are using us to fight each other. It’s like we are their weapons. People tell each other off, judging each other and even call the police on each other! I know that many people do this, because they are scared, but this doesn’t mean it’s acceptable.

They are dividing us. Which makes sense, because when we unite we would be stronger. There seem to be two groups at the moment: people who believe that the government and the WHO have our best interest and people who doubt everything and do their own research. To go from the first group to the second group is scary. To let go of the idea that the government is here for you to be safe and happy, means going against everything you have always believed growing up.
You might think ‘I need more proof that the government and the WHO are not having our best interest’. You could also ask yourself: Where is the proof that you can trust the government and the WHO? Because at the moment, there is more proof against them, than for them.
Maybe it’s time to ask questions and to see the other side. You are not alone! There are many people who stand up for themselves and for others.

I don’t want to tell you, this is my plan and this is the solution, so listen to me! I don’t want you to listen to me or see the world exactly the way I see it. With ‘my plan’, I just want to encourage you to love. Try your best to look at the bigger picture and stop listening to the one-sided story they are telling us. When you are listening to the mainstream media or the prime minister, try listening to what they are not saying for a change.

I want to thank you so much for reading my article. I worked so hard on this, for days and days. I poured all my energy into this. I really hope that it makes you think and see another side of the story. I hope it encourages you to not always believe what you see at first sight or what you are told, but to do your own research. And whenever you wake up and start to see things differently (in your own time) or when things will show, do I want to say ‘I told you so?’ Not at all! I actually hope that what I believe (I have a very clear idea of what I think is happening), is not true and that I am very very wrong. But if it turns out that I was right, I will just welcome you with all the love in the world!

I want to send you all my love now as well! I have hope, because I know that love, positivity and light are always stronger than hate, negativity and darkness. Make sure that you are happy from the inside, raise your vibration and spread love as much as you can.

At this point, it doesn’t matter anymore who you like or dislike, who you have things in common with or who you have nothing in common with. In other words: It doesn’t matter anymore who is your ‘enemy’, because we all need to unite for a better world. It’s like when we support only our club in the football leagues, but we are all supporting one team when the national team plays. That is what we need to do now! Let’s set aside our differences. Do not fight, let us UNITE!!

I want to thank everyone who supported me whilst writing this article. Every message and every encouragement was really helpful and kept me motivated. I want to thank every barista, for always making me feel welcome and making me lots of matcha lattes. I want to thank everyone who is also fighting for a better world, in every way possible. I want to thank everyone who inspires me and who is dedicating time to raise awareness: my family and friends (in particular my friends Yvonne Luikens, Bruno Cruz and Barbara de Block), my lovely followers on Instagram, everyone in the many What’s App and Facebook groups, and the many (!) doctors and professors from all over the world who are preaching the truth. I also want to thank Jay Francis (@tisjeboyjay), Lange Frans (who’s Instagram account has been deleted), Isa Kriens (@isagreens), Marije Berkelaar (@marijeberkelaar) and Jorn Luka (@jornluka) to inspire me and for using their platform to spread love and awareness. Thank you all so much! I could not have done this without you all!

BG Sandwich

At any time in my life, if you’d ask me what is my favourite sandwich, I would tell you it’s ‘Broodje Gezond’ (direct translate: ‘bread healthy’). Even though the name suggest it’s healthy, it definitely isn’t. However, I ate many of them. After school, going to the cafe to get one and whenever the option was there, that is what I’d order. Always! I also made a home made version many may times. I love it! When I went vegan, I didn’t eat it anymore though, because it contains, ham, cheese and egg (not very vegan right). Now, I suddenly thought.. why don’t I make a vegan version?! I did and omg, I mastered it! It is the exact same taste and structure experience, but without any cruelty involved. I need to share this with you. All Dutch people will know about this ‘Broodje Gezond’, but even if you’ve never heard of it, please try it! It’s the best combination.


Serves: 1

1 oven baguette
3 slices cheese (I used Vio Life)
3 slices ham (I used Quorn)
2 big leaves iceberg lettuce
4 slices of tomato
5 slices of cucumber
3 slices plain firm tofu (I used Tofoo)
1 tbs oil
1-2 tbs butter (I used Vitalite)
pinch of kala namak
black pepper (to taste)

-Bake the baguette as describes on the package.
-In the meantime fry the tofu in some oil for just 1-2 min on each side.
-Put the tofu aside and sprinkle it with the kala namak.
-Spread the baguette with butter.
-Divide all the ingredients on the baguette.
-Add some cracked black pepper to taste.

Do you remember ‘Broodje Gezond’? Tell me how the taste is the same! If you’ve never heard of it, please tell me what you think. I’m so excited about this sandwich, haha! You can tell me down below or let me know via Instagram on @FreedomEvermore. Thank you! X

Forever Home – Oliver

As many of you know by now, I had to find a new home for my baby boy Oliver. I rescued him 3 years ago when he was only 2 weeks old. If you want to know how, you can read his rescue story here. I always thought that he was able to stay with the family I work for, but apparently that was based on a misunderstanding. I was heartbroken, because I never imagined having to find him a new home. It is not easy to find a new place for a close to 250kg weighing pig. If I knew he wasn’t allowed to stay I would have found him a home when he was a lot younger. As soon as I heard he had to go, I was super stressed. I didn’t know where to start, how to transport him and when I heard he had to have his ear tagged before traveling I almost lost it. I couldn’t see how I was ever going to manage that all. Oliver is lovely, but it’s not like he is always cooperating very well.

I contacted all the sanctuaries I knew and all the sanctuaries I was able to find that were close and further away. Everything was full for pigs and with every message that came back I lost confidence of finding him a good place. It was such a hard and stressful time for me. A few sanctuaries recommended contacting ‘Pigs in the Woods’ though. They were very far away, but they also help with rehoming pigs. So, as a last resource I send them a message. They didn’t have a place for him, but he was going to be on a waiting list. When I heard that the waiting list is very long, I actually gave up on that as well. I did fill in the form though and I explained that it was urgent (I had 2 months before the family I work for moved houses) and then I got a message back from them. The lady said that she was going to visit a sanctuary the next day and that she would mention him. I didn’t hear back and I was too nervous to ask about it. Then almost a week later she send me another message that she might have found him a place, because she visited another sanctuary that just freed space for more pigs. She send me the contact details of a lady called Michelle Morgan. It was already quite late in the evening, so I decided to send a message first. But I got a message back straight away, asking me to give her a call. So I did. And within 2 minutes Michelle took away all my worries and stress! She told me that she would take Oliver and he was very welcome to live with them forever. She also was able to do transport and they would do his ear tag at the sanctuary by their vet. It was such a huge moment of gratefulness! It was very emotional!

Then about 2 weeks later they came to get him. First he was going by trailer, but in the end they came and get him with their van (my baby boy had his own little vanlife adventure! Haha!). It was so lovely to meet Michelle and her husband Julian! I was crying straight away, because of all the tension and the huge feeling of gratefulness. I was also feeling stressy, because Oliver has a lot of strengths (literally), but doing what I want him to do is not one of them. But to all of our surprise he got into the van straight away. Only to get straight out though! I thought we were lost and it was going to be a huge battle, but within 5 minutes he was in again and I quickly shut the door. I was shaking of adrenaline, but we did it! It was going so much better than I expected. It was a 4 hour drive back, but he slept the whole way and he was quite sleepy when he got out. As he is deaf, he didn’t even notice that they openend the van when they arrived. He was greeted (Michelle filmed it) straight away by their dog Sheldon, by their 2 kids and lots of other animals. I’ve watched that video about 50 times!

It is going very well ever since! After a period of getting used to his new surroundings, he lived with a group of goats for a while, but since a few weeks he actually has 2 huge pig girls to share his field and life with. It was a little tricky in the beginning, because he was a little scared of them at first and he broke out of his field (he is super good at this!) to be with Michelle and Julian, but it’s going better and better. It makes me so happy, because he was aways so lonely when he lived with me. Something that always broke my heart, but I couldn’t have another pig at the place. I was going to get him a friend after the move, but as you now know everything went a lot different. Seeing him with other animals and with lots of attention, gives me the happiest feeling! He is surrounded by lots and lots of rescued animals who are all lucky animals, because they all have Michelle and Julian looking after them and they are the best!! This is also one of the reasons why I’m writing this, because I would love to tell you their story, to make you aware of how special and inspiring they are.


Michelle (51) used to live in South Africa and in 1996 she met Julian (49), who was on holiday over there. They moved in together very quickly and now, 24 years later, they have been married for 15 years. All this time they always wanted to move back to Wales, as Julian is from there. Michelle really fell in love with Wales, after visiting Julian’s family many times. They both wanted to move there to have land and keep a few animals. They never thought of having a sanctuary though. The reasons why they eventually did is so inspiring and I have to share this with you!

The first reason has something to do with family life. Michelle was working in the hotel industry, Julian was working in IT and both of them loved their jobs. They tried for children for about 10 years, but without any succes. Then one day Julian came home and said: ‘what about fostering?’. They started to look into that and eventually they did. They now have 2 long term foster children. They both have severe special needs. Their daughter Sophie (15) has down syndrome, ADHD as well as severe learning and their son Charlie (21) has global development delay. Michelle feels very strongly that they couldn’t have biological children, because they were meant to have Charlie and Sophie. I find this an amazing thought and I totally believe as well that everything happens for a reason. Michelle: ‘Destiny is faith and these children were waiting in the wings to make our lives complete, which they have!’. Michelle left the hotel industry to focus on family life and when they were asked to foster Sophie, she knew she needed an extra pair of hands. They kids often each need one to one care and sometimes appointments would fall on the same dates. She needed help and that is where Julian left IT.

They were living at Basingstoke at the time when Michelle went to a petting zoo one day. This is where she got inspired to make their dream happen. Not because she had such an amazing experience, but the opposite, she was horrified. She saw animals being handled very roughly by children and staff being on their phones not caring one bit. When she got home she said to Julian: ‘Let’s move to Wales, let’s get a smallholding and let’s rescue some animals!’.

This wasn’t the only reason though. In 2018 Michelle was diagnosed with breast cancer and her tumor has an 84% chance of coming back in the first 5 years. This is when Michelle said to Julian: ‘If the second cancer is the one that comes and takes me off of this planet, do I want to be taken off it from a smallholding in Wales surrounded by animals or do I want to be taken of it here in a mid-terrace in Basingstoke?’. The answer was pretty simple! She says that the silver lining in her cancer diagnoses is that it pushed them to what they had been discussing for years. Now, that is the way to see and take life!

They first wanted to just have a smallholding with a couple of animals, but when they rescued the first 2 animals, they realised the need. This is when they seriously started their sanctuary and they now have over 80 rescued animals! They have Welsh large pigs, Kune Kune pigs, lambs and sheep, ducks, turkeys, roosters and ex battery hens, goats and a dog. Julian is basically the man with the strength and does all the maintenance. Due to Michelle having had cancer she is quite weak in her hands, but that is why she gets to do all the loving, which I think is such an important role. Her chores are: tickling, scratching, cuddling and kissing. How amazing!

Their sanctuary never rehomes. All animals can live there for the rest of their lives. The only exception is when there is an issue what causes the animal unhappiness. For example, they once had a boar called Jeffrey who they couldn’t castrate, because he was too old and the operation could have killed him. They couldn’t keep him on their land, because of the female pigs that they have. Keeping him would  mean that he had to be in a pen by himself, with the smell of the female pigs around him all the time, that would drive him crazy. But luckily they have a farmer across the road who also has a small holding who was able to keep him there with no females. He is now happy over there!

Michelle became vegan 2 years before she was diagnosed with cancer. She decided that she wanted to know where her food came from. She heard some horrifying things in the media and wondered if they were true. So she started researching herself. She is very visual, which means that telling her about slaughterhouses and the horrible circumstances animals live in, isn’t helping her that much. So, she started to watch videos and documentaries and that is how she started to realise it all. Michelle: ‘I thought how can I call myself an animals lover? I can’t! I have to call myself a dog lover, a cat lover, because I was eating pigs, cows and all other commercial animals.’. So much has changed since then. She said that she used to be someone who ate her body weight in chicken and bacon, but since researching the horrible industry and seeing how much cruelty existed, she turned around completely. Michelle: ‘Talking about the cruelty makes me rather emotional, because animals are sentient beings and we shouldn’t eat them or use them for anything. You can also be way more healthier having a plant based diet!’. She does believe everyone has a choice of what to put in their mouth. She chooses to not preach veganism, but to show people and live by example. She hopes that when other people see their lifestyle and meet their animals, that they start to think differently. Some friends have already. How great is that!

During chemo therapie though, her body rejected all food! Everything she ate was thrown up again, except for.. meat! It broke her heart, but luckily she is now off all the chemo and active treatment. She is so happy, because she couldn’t imagine being outside with all the lovely pigs and then go inside to eat pork. Julian is not 100% vegan yet, but he doesn’t eat any meat of the species of animals that they keep. Which is a good start, especially cuz they have so many different species already. Veganism is very important to Michelle! Michelle: ‘You look into the faces of these animals and they are not just animals, they have hearts, they have traits, they have personalities and they are absolutely fabulous and each one has its own character and depth. I absolutely love it!’.

Michelle and Julian tell me that they used to be quite materialistic. Michelle had a big handbag and shoe fetish, collecting many big brands. Julian would buy loads of electronics and gadgets. Since moving to Wales their life has changed 360 degrees. They are now big into recycling, sustainability, animal welfare and care! She was telling me that she bought an industrial poop scoop and broom the other day and she was so excited when it arrived and that it was the same excitement she used to feel when a handbag or a pair of shoes arrived. I absolutely love this!!

Michelle: ‘Cancer taught me to live my best life and Julian fully agrees’. The diagnosis turned their life upside down, but it also showed us what we actually need and what we want to do. They hope to even purchase more land around them, so they can rescue even more animals! They would love their sanctuary to grow a good reputation. In my eyes they already have, because with so much honest love and care, you can’t top that. They don’t want to open to the general public, but instead they want to open for parents who have children with special needs. Many special needs children can’t go to other sanctuaries or petting zoos, where it can be quite busy and noisy because of other people. So families can call them and, by appointment only, they can come and visit. They are making sure there is only one family at the time. This way the children can meet and touch animals and learn about them in a safe and calm environment.

They are a 100% non profit organisation and every penny spend on the sanctuary comes from their own pocket. This is why any donation is gladly accepted and appreciated. All this money goes towards the animals directly! I donate £30 every month (every 13th, because that is the day Oliver moved there), which I hope to increase in the future. If you can spare a bit of money, even if it’s just a little bit or even if its just a one time thing, please donate via PayPal: They use this money for all the right reasons!!

Aren’t they amazing people?! I told you! I love them both so much and I’m forever grateful that they came into my life and I trust them completely when it comes to my lovely boy Oliver! Do you have a question or do you have something you want to say? You can do this below or you can do this via Instagram: @freedomevermore and @safe_haven_animal_sanctuarys (give them a follow!!). Thank you! X


Lavender & Co


I always joke that this cake taste like a Lush bathbomb. Haha! I think we always associate the scent of lavender with beauty products. Lavender is so amazing and is often used in creams, lotions and shower gels. Lavender is also very flowery, but once you let go of the bathbomb thing, it is actually amazing to cook and bake with as well. The trick is to not overdo it. You do not want to have the idea that a bathbomb was actually one of the ingredients. It is very nice when you taste a subtle taste of lavender though. I love it! And it looks and smells amazing! If you never tried cooking/baking with lavender I recommend using only 1 tbs of lavender to start with. Once you’re more use to it and your brain now understand that lavender is not only used in beauty products, you can use 1,5 tbs. Just experiment a little and appreciate the taste


Serves: 8 

dry ingredients:
2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
2 tbs custard powder
1,5 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1-1,5 tbs dried lavender
pinch of salt

wet ingredients:
1 tsp vanilla extract
1,5 cup coconut milk (from can)
1/4 cup butter (I used Flora)
1/2 cup coconut yogurt
1 flax egg *
1 tbs lemon (juice)

1/2 cup coconut yogurt
1/3 cup icing sugar (optional)
1 tsp lemon (juice)
1 tsp dried lavender

*Mix 1 tbs of ground flaxseed with 2 tbs of water and let it set for 10 min.

-Preheat the oven at 180C.
-Mix all the dry ingredients together.
-Mix all the wet ingredients together.
-Gradually mix the wet ingredients with the dry ingredients. Mix until smooth (preferably with an electric mixer).
-Grease a cake tin with some extra butter (optional: a layer of baking paper) and pour in the mix. Make sure the cake mix is nice and even.
-Put the cake tin in the oven for 45-55 min.
-In the meantime mix the yogurt, icing sugar and the lemon juice.
-Before serving (and when the cake is all cooled down) you can add the yogurt topping and sprinkle the lavender on top.

Are you going to make this recipe? Please let me know or show me on instagram via @freedomevermore. I’d love to see it and hear what you think. Thank you! X


French Snug

D1BF423D-A77A-4E03-8C77-94ECAA5973A1I love love love French toast! It always makes me think of my grandma. That is why I have a very popular recipe called, French Castle, which I often make myself. One evening when I was scrolling thorough my own recipes, I suddenly had this idea to do something like French toast in the oven. Which eventually led me to create this recipe. I was still improvising a little bit whilst making it, but it turned out very nicely! I definitely felt like sharing this recipe with you. It will look great on a brunch table! Or you can eat it as cake, for a snack. Just make sure that the bread that you are using isn’t too fresh. It’s a great way to use up your bread and fruit. Another great recipe against food waste. Give it a go!

5119246B-C763-4868-8F16-9D9E470FAE69LUSCIOUS LOAF

Serves: 4-8

8 slices of bread (old)
1 peach or apple (sliced)
6 strawberries (sliced)
1 small banana (sliced)
1/2 cup blueberries 

3/4 cup oat milk
1/3 cup custard powder
1/3 cup plain flour
2 tbs maple syrup
2 tbs almond butter
1 tsp cinnamon
pinch of salt 

icing/brown sugar

-Preheat the oven at 180C.
-Fold each bread slice in half and put them all up right (like Marie Kondo stores clothes!) in a baking tin.
-Hide the slices of fruit in between the slices of bread.
-Mix all the ingredients for the batter and pour it evenly over the bread slices. Make sure that they are all soaking it up.
-Put it in the oven for 35-45 min.
-Serve with extra fruit and icing and/or brown sugar.

Are you going to make this recipe? Please let me know or show me on instagram via @freedomevermore. I’d love to see it and hear what you think. Thank you! X

Curry A La Me

IMG_3069_polarrWhen someone asks me for my favourite dinner recipe, I have to include curry. I loveeee curry! I used to make it with a curry paste, but over the years I’ve experimented with a lot of herbs and spices and now I mostly mix my own spices. I love the smell and tasted of the different spices and this way you can make it exactly the way you want it. Curry is also one of the dishes I often cook in my van, because it’s easy to make it all in one pan. This is the curry I make most often. It’s easy, rather quick and it contains a ton of veggies. You can vary with the vegetables if you like. You can add (or replace) vegetables, like: courgette, cauliflower and green beans for example. Instead of tofu you can add chickpeas instead. I like eating mine with brown rice. Makes it a super healthy and nutritious meal.

D6BB4002-13CC-4AA5-BDBF-871798BA1071CURRY A LA ME

Serves: 4

1 big red onion (chopped)
1/2 head broccoli (chopped)
1 small aubergine (chopped)
2 garlic (chopped finely)
1/2 thumb size ginger (chopped finely)
1 bell pepper (chopped)
 8 baby corns (copped)
1 tin coconut milk
2 tsp ground cumin
2 tsp ground coriander
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
1/2 tsp turmeric
salt/pepper (to taste)
100 gr mange tout
250gr firm tofu (cubes)

-Fry the onion and the broccoli for 3-4 min on a medium-high heat.
-Add te aubergine, the garlic and the ginger and fry for another 5 min.
-Add the bell pepper and and the baby corn for 2-3 min.
-Pour in the whole tin of coconut milk + all the rest of the spices, add salt/pepper to taste and let it simmer for 2-3 min.
-Add the mange tout and tofu let it simmer for another 2 min.

-Serve with rice, pita or naan.

Are you going to make this recipe? Please let me know or show me on instagram via @freedomevermore. I’d love to see it and hear what you think. Thank you! X


0B5E6011-F35A-4A1F-91E3-82F38AD9F576You know when you bake pancakes and you always eat the (crunchy) bits of the side of the pancakes, because it’s so delicious? I sometimes make these bits on purpose. A while ago someone said I should make it into a recipe and so I did. It might sound a little strange at first and that was why I wasn’t aware that what I was doing, might be something that other people like as well. So, here we go. I hope you like it! It’s super easy to make btw. To make it a little bit more fancy, I serve it here with something crunchy. Not just something crunchy.. but crunchy banana peels! Did you ever eat banana peels? I love it and it’s perfect against food waste. Another probably new things though, but it’s worth a try!


Serves: 2

1 cup oat milk
1/2 cup plain flour
1/2 tbs maple syrup
1/2 tbs almond butter
1/4 tsp cinnamon
pinch of salt

crunch (optional)
peel of 1 banana (organic)
1 tbs coconut oil
1/2 tsp brown sugar
1/4 tsp cinnamon 

fresh fruit
(coconut) yogurt
flaked almonds 

-You start with the crunch. Use a spoon to scrape the soft inside from the banana peel.
-Cut them in length.
-Put the coconut oil in a frying pan and when it’s all melted, fry the banana peel, on both sides, until they start to become crispy and brown (a few minutes).
-Take the peel out of the pan and sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar on top of them straight away, so it will tick to the oil. Then put aside.

-Mix all the batter ingredients together.
-Put a tiny bit of coconut oil in a frying pan and as soon as the pan is nice and hot, pour in the batter.
-Start mixing it straight away, like you would do with scrambled tofu. You will see that it will start to form little balls. Keep mixing it until it starts to be a little crispy on the sides.
-Serve with fresh fruit, (coconut) yogurt, almonds and the crunchy banana peel.

Are you going to make this recipe? Please let me know or show me on instagram via @freedomevermore. I’d love to see it and hear what you think. Thank you! X


E41EC2A5-7617-4B83-95D6-F10EFB85B200If there is something I absolutely love, it’s cashew cream. It’s sooo good! In my last Xmas Dinner post I gave you a recipe for a camembert cheese based on cashew, but I also love to use something similar as a cheese substitute on pasta or pizza. This time I used it as a topping for a tagliatelle oven recipe. Before we start, I want to inform you that I used a small oven dish. Exactly enough for 6 tagliatelle nests. If you only have big oven dishes, you might want to double the recipe. It’s not a difficult recipe and it’s fairly quick to prep. I used buckwheat tagliatelle to make it a more whole foods kind of meal, but you can use any type of pasta really. This is a lovely recipe to share with friends and family.


Serves: 3

6 tagliatelle nests

cashew cheese:
1 cup cashew nuts
1 cup oat milk
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1/2 tbs apple cider vinegar
1 tsp garlic granules
1 tsp salt

1/2 tbs oil (optional)
1 small onion (finely chopped)
1 cup broccoli (finely chopped)
1/2 courgette (grated)
2-3 garlic cloves (finely chopped)
1 tin chopped tomatoes
2 tbs nutritional yeast
handful of fresh basil (chopped)
salt/pepper (to taste)
1,5 cup water

-Preheat the oven at 180C.
-Fry (in oil or water) the onion, half of the garlic and the broccoli in a pan for about 5 min on a medium-high heat. Until the onion start to go a little brown on the edges.
-Add the courgette for just one minute. Keep mixing it all up.
-Add the tin of chopped tomatoes and add salt and pepper to taste.
-Let this all simmer for about 3 min. Keep stirring it once in a while.
-Take the sauce off the heat source and add the rest of the garlic, the nutritional yeast, the fresh basil and the water. Mix well and add more salt and pepper to taste if you wish.
-Put the tagliatelle nests in the oven dish and divide the sauce. Make sure that the tagliatelle is all covered in the sauce.
-Put all the ingredients for the cashew cheese in the blender and blend on high speed until smooth. Try not to eat it all!
-Scoop the cashew cream on the top and put it in the oven for about 30-40 min. Until the cashew cheese is golden.

Are you going to make this recipe? Please let me know or show me on instagram via @freedomevermore. I’d love to see it and hear what you think. Thank you! X